The end of Chapter 5 is near….

Hello Math 9!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Easter long weekend!

As we discussed in class today, we will be having our Chapter 5 test on Thursday this week! Remember that your homework is also due on Thursday.

Here is a list of homework that was assigned for this chapter:

5.1 (part 1): pg. 204, #1-3, 4bc,  6 + 5.1 Worksheet (in notes booklet)

5.1 (part 2): pg. 204 #4b, 5, 8, 10a, 11bd, 16, 17, 19, 20

5.2: pg. 214 #1-6, 10, 11, 14, 15

5.3 pg 224 #4, 5, 9, 10, 11

5.4 p. 230 # 3, 7, 9bc, 10, 12bdf, 13, 17bd, 18a

5.5 p. 243 # 5bf, 7, 8, 9bd, 13bdf, 14df,17b Bonus: 10,12,19b,21a

5.6: Worksheet

5.7: p. 254 # 1 – 3, 4bdf, 6abcd, 7, 9ac, 11-14

5.9: p. 263 # 3ae, 6, 7df,8, 9bd, 12, 14, 17, 18

Happy Studying!! 🙂



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