Getting to Know Me!

In class today I had you fill out a form so I could get to know you a little bit better and learn how to help you achieve success this semester. So it’s only fair that I let you know a little bit about me.

First things first – Contact Information

e-mail: or

phone #: My cell number is on the course outline… feel free to give me a call or text if you have any questions or concerns.

website: you found me!

Getting to know me:

Yes I do have a job. I’m teaching here at Claremont!  This is my seventh year teaching, though only my third semester at Claremont.

I have a summer job too! I am a birth doula and attend births (home and hospital) to help support families bringing their new babies into the world! It’s a bit messy (eww) but a totally awesome and rewarding experience.

I am also a mom to the most handsome and wonderful two and a half year old boy. Occasionally you may need to remind me to stop talking about my baby and get back to work.

I like the outdoors and especially the beach. My undergraduate degree at UVic was in marine biology. My hobbies include cycling, sewing, hiking, camping and reading.

Last spring I had open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve and aortic root with a porcine (pig) valve. I feel better than ever now and only sometimes snort when I laugh…

I am a very hands on learner and I remember information best if I write it down myself. I was not the best student in high school and I know what it is like to struggle through material that seems like it is written in another language, so please do not hesitate to come see me for help.





Any other questions for me? Ask me in the comments




About Mrs. Dildy

I am a math and science teacher in the Saanich school district.
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