Chapter 5: Linear Relations, Equations and Inequalities

Happy Thursday!

This week, we started learning about linear relations and equations. Thus far, we have covered sections 5.1 (Describing Relations Algebraically) and 5.2 (Graphing Linear Relations). Below is a list of the homework assigned so far this week:

Tuesday: 5.1 (part 1) – pg 204 #1-3, 4c, 6, 11ace, 12ace and 15

Wednesday: 5.1 (part 2) – pg. 204 ##4b, 5, 8, 10a, 11bd, 12bd, 16, 17, 19, 20 and Worksheet (in notes booklet)

Thurday: 5.2 pg. 214 #1-6, 10, 11, 14, 15

**Just as a reminder, we will be having a quiz on sections 5.1 and 5.2 on MONDAY! 🙂

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